Sunday, December 18, 2011

All-American Muslim - Episode 4

This was the next episode after #1 I could find to download.  It dealt with the birth of one of the families' kid, and also with the experience of the football team during Ramadan.  They continued to have practice and go to games despite fasting.  Some of the practices were moved to after sunset so they could play after having eaten.  I think this is a great example of jihad in the actual Quranic sense.  The players have to discipline themselves to play well, even while disciplining themselves to be good Muslims.  It seems like most of them came out of it stronger.  If jihad is personal struggle for God, their personal struggle to excel in both aspects of life would embody this.  It is also a fulfilling and constructive activity (well, maybe not playing football games without drinking water but...) rather than a destructive activity as in the erroneous, violent definition of jihad.

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